Permaculture gives you the tools to create the world you long to live in!
Do you long to nudge society towards sustainability?
Do you wish to live in a way that enriches nature instead of degrading it?
Would you love the tools, practices and confidence to activise your projects and communities?
Permaculture is holistic planning system which cooperates with nature. We welcome you to immerse yourself and expand your skills in creating regenerative living, with this internationally acclaimed Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course!
Yes! I want to sign up for the PDCThe Permaculture Design Certificate is the internationally recognised 72 hour course. You will receive a certificate that is valid worldwide and will be a strength if you want to dive deeper into ecological thinking, plan your own home, garden or smallholding, create a more regenerative lifestyle, participate in an ecovillage type project, design a regenerative business, work with networks such as WWOOF, Camphill or Workaway or a supplement to other relevant education.
You will learn how to design systems for humans that imitate natural ecosystems, with a minimum energy and resources that creates resilience, abundance and social justice. We will cover topics such as ecovillages, alternative economies, food forests, social permaculture, regenerative leadership, decision making, soil and compost, water harvesting and earthworks, garden design and large scale food production, energy, permaculture lifestyle and creating an individual design project.
Permaculture has solutions not just for food production and landscapes, but also designs for our social systems, communities, governance and policies for these times of great change.
The course will be held over 3 long weekends:
Wknd 1: Thursday 10 march 19:00 - sunday 13 march 13:00
Wknd 2: Thursday 28 april 19:00 - sunday 1 may 13:00
Wknd 3: Thursday 12 may 19:00 - monday 16 may 13:00
Course leaders: Jan Martin Bang & Jennifer McConachie
The teaching will be in English
Yes I want to sign up for the PDC!
What is permaculture?
Most people discover permaculture through gardening, but it is a whole-systems approach to design for not just food production, but everything from our homes, communities, governance and business, to water, wellbeing and families!
Integration of design with ecology for humans to create resilient systems by imitating nature´s ecosystems.
A holistic planning system based on working with, not against nature, which draws on indigenous earth wisdom.
By observing how nature works and imitating ecosystems, we can meet our humans needs in a way which regenerates instead of degrading nature.
Permaculture is used today as a planning tool throughout the world and is always linked to local resources, the potential for cultivation, and is designed to meet basic human needs with the least possible use of resources.
Permaculture is about not just living sustainably, but creating regenerative lifestyles, with humans as a beneficial element in our environment!
A philosophical design system based on the ethics of Earth care, People care & Fair Share, which empowers a shift from monocultures in our agriculture and societies, to integration, diversity and harmony.
"Permaculture gives us a toolkit for moving from a culture of fear and scarcity, to one of love and abundance"- Toby Hemenway
What are PDC graduates saying about the course?

Nandana Jones
“The PDC helped raise my own awareness and consciousness of how I live and to make changes. I loved observing nature before, but after taking the PDC course I am able to create a deep dialogue with nature.
I feel more confident and equipped with tools for making change in a clear and harmonious way.

Ethel Wright
The PDC course completely changed my life! During the course my husband and I bought a farm in the north of Norway, quit our jobs and sold our house! We will run the farm with permaculture principles.
The course was inspiring, varied and well presented. The other participants were exciting people who generously shared their huge knowledge!
If you are reading this, chances are you are considering joining a PDC. You know what? I think you should. Give yourself the gift of this experience. It might just change your life!

Ale Tomasini
Dharma Mountain is a lovely and magical place! The forest, mountain and main house are fantastic!
I learned about nature, sustainability, permaculture and most importantly I learned about myself. I now volunteer on a farm where I am putting into action all the many ideas I have to implement permaculture!
About Dharma Mountain
Dharma Mountain Meditation and Freedom Resort is located in the beautiful Hedalen valley, Valdres, about 2 hrs drive from Oslo. There are popular skiing areas nearby, and you may choose to bring skis. Enjoy delicious vegetarian meals prepared with love. First meal will be dinner on Wednesday and last will be lunch on Sunday afternoon. You will find a meditation room, yoga mats and cushions. Dharma Mountain also offer holistic massage and other sessions for 875,- (60 min) which can be booked in advance or on arrival. Read more about Dharma Mountain here!
Book on registration & payable on arrival
Prices per weekend
Tent 300,-
Shared room/sleeping loft 975,-
Single room 1.695,-
Own cabin (if available): 1500,- extra
13,000 kr: Early-bird before 31 December
13,000 kr: student/lower income
15,000 kr: Standard price
Payment plans available
Low income reduced rate: the PDC is supported by Studie-forbund Solidaritet. We want to make our fees as inclusive as possible and may be able to offer a reduced rate for low income participants. Please apply to [email protected] ASAP. Limited offer.
Price includes: the course itself and full meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner plus meeting snacks/ tea/coffee; one year membership in Norsk Permakulturforening; use of sauna at Dharma Mountain.
In addition you pay for accomodation (tent or room/loft in cabin or private). Book on registration, payable on arrival.
Deadline for registration: 24 February 2022
(Please send us an email if you still want to attend this course after registration deadline: [email protected])
Yes I want to sign up for the PDC!

About the course leaders
Jan Martin Bang
I am passionate about teaching permaculture! I was born in Oslo and grew up in England, where I studied archaeology, philosophy, geography, education, and agriculture. I lived on a kibbutz in Israel for 16 years and represented ”Global Ecovillage Network” in Israel. I taught the first Hebrew Permaculture Design Course and taught in many countries in the Middle East. In 2000 I moved with my family to Norway to work at Solborg Camphill Village outside Hønefoss. I am an active member of the board of the Norwegian Permaculture Association and the ecovillage movement in Norway. I received my permaculture diploma from the Nordic Permaculture Institute in 2006 for my work in education and community development. I have written several books about permaculture and community.

Jen McConachie
I am an inspired permaculturist and love to facilitate teachings in forest garden design, regenerative design for leadership and organisations /business, earth connection practices & spiritual permaculture. I run my own permaculture business "Earth Mentor Me" as an educator, mentor and forest garden designer. I took the PDC in 2015 and am completing my permaculture diploma in education. I have a background as a composer and DJ before I woke up to environmental activism and founded the Norwegian non-profit «Fruktdugnad». I am secretary for the Norwegian Permaculture Association, where I actively integrate permaculture for a regenerative organisation. I weave permaculture into my roles as a mother, entrepreneur, elected council official and in my mini food forest. I am passionate about helping people create abundant inner and outer landscapes.
Topics the course includes
What is permaculture?
Design tools, principles and process
Maps, how to read landscapes
Ecosystems and living ecological cycles.
Landscape, geology, flora and fauna
Practical tips for a permaculture lifestyle
Soil, mulching and compost
Large scale permaculture, Holistic Management Community supported agriculture
Water in the landscape, earthworks
Waste-water purification, compost toilets.
Biological water treatment, flow-forms
Energy sources, alternative and green energy
-water, wind, sun, bioenergy
Food forest design
Mycorrhiza & growing mushrooms
People and permaculture
Regenerative leadership and organisations
Outside observation work
Plants and photosynthesis
Economy, alternative currencies, LETS, barter systems, Doughnut Economics
Social systems, decision making
Conflict resolution, non-violent communication, sociocracy
Garden design and the annual round.
BioDynamic farming and gardening
Footprint analysis
Bioregions and transport
Transition towns and “Back Casting”
Ecovillages, Global & Norwegian Ecovillage Network
House design, building techniques from tipis and shelters to “Earthships” and “Tiny Houses”
Site design, zones, use of materials
Water, energy, and heating. Sosial and spiritual conditions.
Permaculture in the world, the PDC course, diploma, the LAND project
Peak Oil, climate change and extinctions
Individual Permaculture Design project & work in design groups
Hands-on practical projects vary with the weather and may include planting and working with soil & compost, mushroom growing, natural building and energy design, earthworks, and water harvesting, sheet mulching, earth connection and deep observation practices. Our onsite projects are designed to include diverse physical abilities and ages.
Please contact [email protected] if you want to sign up or if you need help with an alternative payment plan.
Low income reduction: We want to make the course as inclusive as possible and may be able to offer a reduced rate for participants with low income. Please apply to [email protected] ASAP due to limited places.